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*Please refer to ourPrivacy Policyregarding handling of personal information.

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e.g. Shinjuku, Shibuya, Toshimaku-Ikebukuro

Railway Lines

Railway Lines
e.g. Yamanote-Line, Chuo-Line, Seibu-Shinjuku-Line

e.g. Shinjuku Sta., ShibuyaSta., Ikebukuro Sta.


Yen Yen

Application for visit

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About You

Name* e.g. Oubo Tarou
Name(kana) e.g. オウボ タロウ
Phone-Number* e.g.)075-123-4567
E-mail* e.g.)
Language Japanese English Korean Chinese Other languages:
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Management groups・Consultation

Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Japan Property Management Association Kyoto Branch